Related Health Topics

Although obesity is associated with a lot of disease states, the relationship is rarely causal – meaning excess weight is not the only cause and weight loss is not always the solution. Because we are a group of health professionals who care about our patients’ overall health, sometimes we spend our time and energy focused on things outside of traditional Obesity Medicine…


I’ve been practicing Obesity Medicine for ten years and I can’t count how many times patients have told me, “I just want to eat like everyone else (and not have excess weight).” I’m not sure who the “everyone else” is that they are referring to:Over 42% of American adults have obesity, another 30% have pre-obesity/overweight, […]

Get a Colonoscopy – please!

Most of the time I use this platform to talk about metabolic health and weight.  It’s what I live and breathe day in and day out.  However, there is lots more to health than achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.  Although nutrition plays a huge role in our overall health, eating well isn’t a cure-all […]

Revisiting the Link Between Obesity and COVID-19

Just about a year ago, the country shut down.  Kids were pulled from school and businesses closed.  We hunkered down in our houses, fearful of what was to come.  We have lived with this pandemic for a year, and during that time, we have learned a lot.  We have been bombarded with messages about washing […]

The Ecosystem in Our Gut

It might seem odd to be getting a lesson about microorganisms from someone trying to improve weight and overall health, but bear with me.  There is tons of emerging science linking health to creatures that live in our guts, so it simply can’t be ignored.  Your large intestine is a haven for trillions of microbes […]

Losing Weight Reduces Your Risk of Developing Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women.  You can’t live in the United States and be unaware of the impact that this disease has on us as a society.  The whole nation turns pink every November to remind us to stay vigilant.  “Early detection saves lives” is dutifully repeated in magazines and waiting […]

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