Patient Stories

Everyone loves fairytale transformations. Unfortunately, in our field, these types of transformations are rare. We like to refer to the field of Obesity Medicine as the 401K of medicine – not flashy, but solid and predictable with results that compound over time. We have gathered patient stories in various ways over the years – both for clinical presentations (with lots of numbers and graphs), and, most recently, in a much more human, relatable way. Props to our patients who are willing to share their stories with others and inspire them!


It’s never too late to reclaim our health and vitality. Sherree did it at age 67 – and she is now living a wonderful, vibrant life!


Jeremy has such a great story to tell. He has overcome some serious hurdles – and continues to impress us – and everyone else around him!


This girl is amazing! We can all learn from her! I wish I had been this mature at her age…


Emma is a 39-year-old female that was referred to Heartland Weight Loss by her PCP. At her first visit in May 2021, she reported that she has struggled with her weight her entire life. She reached her highest weight of 380 lbs about two years prior to her first appointment.  She had been working with […]


Melinda is a 37-year-old female that was referred to Heartland Weight Loss by her PCP. At her first visit in July 2021, she reported that she hadn’t begun to struggle with weight until her mid 30’s. However, once the weight gain began, she gained a significant amount of weight very quickly and was at her […]


Jessica is a 33-year-old female that was referred to Heartland Weight Loss by her gynecologist.  During her first visit at Heartland Weight Loss in July 2021, Jessica reported having struggled with weight her entire life. However, she stated that she had been gaining more rapidly over the previous four years and presented at her highest […]

Thoughts and Reflections

About age 11, I became painfully aware that I was bigger than the rest of the kids in school.  From that point on, surrounded by parents that were constantly battling excess weight, I tried emulating the adults in my life.  They counted points, I counted points.  They ate dry melba toast and rice cakes, I […]

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