Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #3

Ready to learn some more? Here’s installment #3 in our Weight Loss myths series. 2020 is the year to expand our minds and learn some hard truths about our bodies! Myth #3: Obesity is genetic:  This is a touchy subject for some people.  Although we would like it to be true, it simply isn’t.  Now, […]

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #2

Hopefully last week’s post got you thinking!  Well, there’s plenty more where that came from. I love writing about these things! Myths about weight loss are everywhere – being repeated over and over again without an ounce of proof.  Here’s another myth that I hear from patients all the time. I sympathize, as I believed

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #1

I have read hundreds of books and articles and blog posts regarding weight and weight loss.  Most of the time, the authors repeat the same dogma over and over again – statements that are not grounded in facts, but in repetition.  This amounts to a lot of noise regarding the subject. Noise that often prevents

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