
COVID-19, Education

Causes of Death in 2020

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)  recently published an article tabulating the leading causes of death in the US in 2020. Although there has been plenty of misinformation claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t changed the overall death rate, the number of death certificates filed simply doesn’t lie.  The number of total deaths […]

Education, Mindset, News

Awareness is the First Step

Obesity is a disease that affects all of us.  If you don’t struggle, chances are really high that someone you care about deeply suffers from this disease.  In addition to affecting the individual health of people, this disease is costing our country billions of dollars.  Billions of dollars in direct healthcare costs.  Billions of dollars

Education, Weight Loss Myths

Obesity is not the primary driver of poor health

I was putting together a lecture this weekend and started organizing my slides about metabolic disease and how it’s the biggest problem we are fighting and I realized that although that concept is common knowledge to me, that many people haven’t heard it. Although I tell all of my patients that when we are fighting

Education, Environment

Our Toxic Food Culture

Only 12% of American adults are considered metabolically healthy.  12%.  That means that 88% of us have some sort of disease or condition that impacts our metabolic health.  Diseases like overweight or obesity, prediabetes and diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver, etc. These diseases are called lifestyle diseases.  They are directly related to

Education, Mindset

Do you hate your body?

Most women I know hate their bodies.  They talk about their bodies as though they are vile creations that need to be molded and shaped into something better.  They say things about their own body that they would never say out loud about another human being.  Most women feel a great deal of shame and

Education, Mindset

Apples & Oranges

I was talking with a group of people the other day and one of them brought up the fact that his doctor told him that he had obesity – but that the doctor had to be wrong because he exercised 4-5 times per week and lifted weights. This brought nods of agreement from several other

Education, Patient Stories

Thoughts and Reflections

About age 11, I became painfully aware that I was bigger than the rest of the kids in school.  From that point on, surrounded by parents that were constantly battling excess weight, I tried emulating the adults in my life.  They counted points, I counted points.  They ate dry melba toast and rice cakes, I

Education, Weight Loss Myths


People like giving advice.  People like helping others solve their problems.  It’s human nature. We do this to some degree when it comes to all medical problems.  We get diagnosed with pneumonia and the people around us give us their advice. Things like; “when my mom had pneumonia last year, her doctor gave her xyz

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