Nutritional Biochemistry

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Prevention and Treatment are NOT the same things

Preventing disease is usually fairly straightforward.  Prevention is never perfectly guaranteed to work (nothing in medicine is), but most of the time, we can prevent lung cancer by avoiding smoking and air pollution.  We can prevent pregnancy by using reliable contraception.  We can prevent paralysis from polio by getting a polio vaccine.  However, preventing disease […]

Nutritional Biochemistry

Read your labels carefully!!

Don’t make the same mistake I did! I ordered my normal EVOO from Instacart and the shopper made a substitution. I didn’t think much about it (when people shop for me, I try to be grateful and not crabby about it) but after a few uses, I looked at the label and realized that this

Nutritional Biochemistry


Studies are clear that we need to drink plenty of water to stay healthy. We need to stay adequately hydrated for optimal health and weight. The biochemistry of that process is incredibly boring and after learning it in detail once, I have promptly forgotten it and have no interest in relearning it. But the science

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Apple Cider Vinegar

Patients periodically ask me about apple cider vinegar. I stay away from social media and news, so perhaps the interest waxes and wanes with marketing and propaganda, but regardless, since the topic seems to come in bursts and has reemerged lately, so I thought I would address it. Apple cider vinegar is a type of

Nutritional Biochemistry

Tea, glorious tea

I began fighting the weight battle once I was old enough to look into a mirror and compare myself to the other kids in elementary school. Thankfully, after many years of beating my head against a wall getting nowhere, I had the idea of diving into the science of the process to see if there

habits, Nutritional Biochemistry

Eating Out

Americans today spend over fifty percent of their annual food budget on food prepared outside the home – and this number keeps increasing year after year.   The research is solid.  There is a direct correlation between the number of meals prepared or eaten outside of the home with a person’s risk of obesity and metabolic

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #4

Hopefully you are learning more and more each week as we debunk the weight-loss myths that we have all heard over and over again! Here is myth number 4. The 5th and final installment in this series will be published in our monthly newsletter along with our updates, news, and recipe of the month. If

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #2

Hopefully last week’s post got you thinking!  Well, there’s plenty more where that came from. I love writing about these things! Myths about weight loss are everywhere – being repeated over and over again without an ounce of proof.  Here’s another myth that I hear from patients all the time. I sympathize, as I believed

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #1

I have read hundreds of books and articles and blog posts regarding weight and weight loss.  Most of the time, the authors repeat the same dogma over and over again – statements that are not grounded in facts, but in repetition.  This amounts to a lot of noise regarding the subject. Noise that often prevents

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