
COVID-19, Education

Causes of Death in 2020

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)  recently published an article tabulating the leading causes of death in the US in 2020. Although there has been plenty of misinformation claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t changed the overall death rate, the number of death certificates filed simply doesn’t lie.  The number of total deaths […]

COVID-19, Mindset


I’m not one to look back over my shoulder very often. It’s not necessarily a good thing all the time, but I tend to stay focused forward – always searching for what is over the horizon. Which means I don’t often dwell upon the way things used to be or lament the good old days.

COVID-19, Mindset

Roller Coasters (COVID19)

I used to be an adrenaline junkie in my younger days.  The bigger the rollercoaster, the better.  Upside down and inside out – heck yes.  Cliff jumping – heck yes.   I even went bungee jumping once upon a time.  Unfortunately, as I have gotten older, my inner ears have decided that they don’t like

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