

Happy New Year!

January 1st.  Thank heavens, right?  The previous year is over. This is the time of year when everyone starts thinking about goal setting – about resolutions.  Before you sit down and make another list of resolutions, think about this: Most of us have had the same goals over and over again – year after year.  […]


The Choice

I try to spend a portion of each day improving myself in some way: physically, mentally, and/or emotionally.  I think it’s a huge part of what keeps my cup full. As part of this process, I listened to an interview with Edith Eger last week. This woman is amazing.  Inspirational.  Motivating.  Although I seriously doubt


“Stop Apologizing”

Surely by now, you all know that I am a complete book nerd. Thriftbooks.com probably considers me one of their top customers! However, I am also a bit of a book snob. Although I will read just about anything, some books I read once and that’s it – I donate them after I’ve read them

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