

Taking the Morality Out of Weight Management

It’s time to take the morality out of body weight.  After seven years immersed in the science of obesity medicine, treating patients affected by this terrible disease, this is so second nature to me that I forget that it isn’t common knowledge to everyone else.  I am constantly correcting patients when they say how they

Education, Weight Loss Myths

Obesity is not the primary driver of poor health

I was putting together a lecture this weekend and started organizing my slides about metabolic disease and how it’s the biggest problem we are fighting and I realized that although that concept is common knowledge to me, that many people haven’t heard it. Although I tell all of my patients that when we are fighting

Education, Mindset

Apples & Oranges

I was talking with a group of people the other day and one of them brought up the fact that his doctor told him that he had obesity – but that the doctor had to be wrong because he exercised 4-5 times per week and lifted weights. This brought nods of agreement from several other

Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #3

Ready to learn some more? Here’s installment #3 in our Weight Loss myths series. 2020 is the year to expand our minds and learn some hard truths about our bodies! Myth #3: Obesity is genetic:  This is a touchy subject for some people.  Although we would like it to be true, it simply isn’t.  Now,

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