
Taking the Morality Out of Weight Management

It’s time to take the morality out of body weight.  After seven years immersed in the science of obesity medicine, treating patients affected by this terrible disease, this is so second nature to me that I forget that it isn’t common knowledge to everyone else.  I am constantly correcting patients when they say how they


Community Support

Almost everyone who walks through our doors is there because they want to find a way to be healthier and live better.  Despite the almost universal desire for these things, the actual “doing it”  isn’t easy.  It takes grit and persistence and tenacity and bravery and vulnerability – and a whole lot of other things.


Treating the Adolescents!

We are just weeks away from beginning our journey into treating adolescents with excess weight.  This has been a dream of mine from the very beginning.  As much as I’ve wanted to take my practice in that direction, I have never felt fully qualified to spearhead an adolescent program.  Although I have been practicing medicine


The Junk Drawer of Weight Loss

I am a pretty neat, organized human being. Everything has its place and I sleep better knowing that most things are in their place when I go to bed at night. I like the dishes all put away in the dishwasher and the shoes put in the mudroom cubbies.  However, I am not perfect in

The All-or-none Story

I have had quite a few people lately tell me that they haven’t been eating well because they are an “all-or-none person”. I’m struggling with this. As someone that can be very intense, I sympathize with people that dive in deeply.  However, this just simply isn’t true – and it’s certainly not a flippant reason


What the heck is insulin?

Being alive requires a never-ending supply of energy.  We use up energy every second of the day.  The entire purpose of eating is to provide the body with energy.  One of the primary functions of the body is to take the food we eat and convert it into a usable form of energy.  Most of

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

People are afraid of carrots?

I am constantly trying to undo disordered thinking about food.  By the time most people come to my clinic, they have tried every weight loss program out there.  Sadly, most of the programs in the world are not based in science.  Most are based on calorie counting and cheerleading – which is not super helpful


Child Obesity- Risk Factors

Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century.  In the US, obesity affects 19% of children between the ages of 2 and 19.  This rate has tripled over the past three decades, and today, our country has some of the highest obesity rates in the world.   Obesity can



In the past year, the number of people requesting new patient appointments has exploded.  We have been slowly and steadily growing to accommodate all of these new patients. We are actually moving to a new office next month so that we can make it all work.  This is a great problem to have – and

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