Author name: cyounglove


Motivation vs Habits

Few things can have a more powerful impact on your life than improving your daily habits.  However, it often feels difficult to keep good habits going for more than a few days, even with sincere effort and the occasional burst of motivation. Habits like exercise, meditation, journaling, and cooking are reasonable for a day or […]


Habits vs Systems

One of the most common things I hear from frustrated patients is that they know what to do to get healthy- they just can’t seem to put it into action most of the time.  Which is completely valid. Although many people talk about needing accountability during the process of losing weight – what they are


The Power of Routine

This month at Heartland Weight Loss we are focusing on habits. Routines. Not just setting goals, but actually putting systems in place to make those goals into reality. This month’s posts will touch upon the things that my wonderful, brave patients are tackling – day after day. Changing habits is hard! To quote my children,

Education, Weight Loss Myths


People like giving advice.  People like helping others solve their problems.  It’s human nature. We do this to some degree when it comes to all medical problems.  We get diagnosed with pneumonia and the people around us give us their advice. Things like; “when my mom had pneumonia last year, her doctor gave her xyz

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #4

Hopefully you are learning more and more each week as we debunk the weight-loss myths that we have all heard over and over again! Here is myth number 4. The 5th and final installment in this series will be published in our monthly newsletter along with our updates, news, and recipe of the month. If

Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #3

Ready to learn some more? Here’s installment #3 in our Weight Loss myths series. 2020 is the year to expand our minds and learn some hard truths about our bodies! Myth #3: Obesity is genetic:  This is a touchy subject for some people.  Although we would like it to be true, it simply isn’t.  Now,

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #2

Hopefully last week’s post got you thinking!  Well, there’s plenty more where that came from. I love writing about these things! Myths about weight loss are everywhere – being repeated over and over again without an ounce of proof.  Here’s another myth that I hear from patients all the time. I sympathize, as I believed

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myth #1

I have read hundreds of books and articles and blog posts regarding weight and weight loss.  Most of the time, the authors repeat the same dogma over and over again – statements that are not grounded in facts, but in repetition.  This amounts to a lot of noise regarding the subject. Noise that often prevents


Can You Eat Healthy and Enjoy the Superbowl?

Even if you’re not a football fan, chances are you are getting together with family or friends to watch the big game this weekend. This type of social gathering typically means we are surrounded by A LOT of food. What can you do differently this year while you are watching the big game? Usually, we

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