Author name: cyounglove


“Stop Apologizing”

Surely by now, you all know that I am a complete book nerd. probably considers me one of their top customers! However, I am also a bit of a book snob. Although I will read just about anything, some books I read once and that’s it – I donate them after I’ve read them […]


Tiny decisions matter

I just reread a book called “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson.  It’s a great book about personal development and all that good stuff that I love.  This time I read it, however, I read it through the lens of managing weight and eating habits and absorbed so much different information.  I’ve grabbed some of


COVID-19 and Obesity

As the statistics keep rolling in, we are getting some grim data about obesity and/or chronic medical conditions and COVID-19.  Having these medical problems doesn’t put you at risk of contracting the virus (but being around other people that are symptomatic certainly does – so please keep up the social distancing!).  However, if you do


Health – identity vs hobby?

This idea has generated a lot of conversations amongst my friends and patients this past week.  I think it does a great job of summarizing why most of us struggle with weight! Let’s dive into the why… After years of counseling hundreds of patients through their weight and health journeys, I have come to the

Eating emotions

Eating Anxiety?

I have spent almost twenty years practicing medicine and I bet there hasn’t been a day that I haven’t had to talk someone down from a place of anxiety.  It’s part of the job of doctoring. Some people are anxious. Some people are just wound more tightly. That has always been the normal in my

Eating emotions

Eating Happiness “Champagne Moments”

Patients come into my office all the time with “confessions” of eating off plan.  After one of these confessions, I usually get to hear the reasoning behind why the choice was justified.  The past two weeks, I addressed the reasoning behind why people eat negative emotions like stress and sadness. I am going to address

Eating emotions

Why do we eat our sadness?

Our theme this month is my office is eating emotions.  What do I mean by that? When we encounter an emotion that we perceive as being negative (sadness, loneliness, emptiness, frustration, hopelessness), we typically want to “fix” that negative emotion.  We want it to go away – to be replaced by a more positive emotion

Eating emotions

Why do we eat poorly when we are stressed?

I have an amazing job.  I get to talk every day with people who are driven.  People that are working hard to improve their health, their lives, their bodies, and their relationship with food.  People that have decided to break societal norms and bravely try to do something different. It’s not normal to be healthy



I can’t get enough of this concept of habits.  Just in case you missed the first blog post in this series, most of the information this month comes from a book called “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.  This book is amazing. And here is my favorite concept of all.   Every action you take is a

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