Author name: cyounglove


Never and Can’t

“I can’t have pasta anymore?”    “You aren’t going to let me have soda any more?”   I hear questions like this every day.  I hate them for two reasons:    First, as an Obesity Medicine doctor, I don’t make absolute rules about what my patients can and cannot have when they leave my office.  My job is […]


More About Habits:

I’m sure you all know how much I like the book, “Atomic Habits”.  I’ve written about this book multiple times as I think the principles outlined in this book are so incredibly relevant to what we do at Heartland Weight Loss.  Making health a habit is a very hard thing for many people to do.  

Education, Mindset

Do you hate your body?

Most women I know hate their bodies.  They talk about their bodies as though they are vile creations that need to be molded and shaped into something better.  They say things about their own body that they would never say out loud about another human being.  Most women feel a great deal of shame and

COVID-19, Mindset

Roller Coasters (COVID19)

I used to be an adrenaline junkie in my younger days.  The bigger the rollercoaster, the better.  Upside down and inside out – heck yes.  Cliff jumping – heck yes.   I even went bungee jumping once upon a time.  Unfortunately, as I have gotten older, my inner ears have decided that they don’t like

Education, Mindset

Apples & Oranges

I was talking with a group of people the other day and one of them brought up the fact that his doctor told him that he had obesity – but that the doctor had to be wrong because he exercised 4-5 times per week and lifted weights. This brought nods of agreement from several other



I am a dreamer who sees the way things could be better and I’m always striving to make those dreams a reality. The flip side of this means that I’m really, really critical of many things – myself most of all. I am constantly criticizing what I do, what I say, and who I am

Education, Patient Stories

Thoughts and Reflections

About age 11, I became painfully aware that I was bigger than the rest of the kids in school.  From that point on, surrounded by parents that were constantly battling excess weight, I tried emulating the adults in my life.  They counted points, I counted points.  They ate dry melba toast and rice cakes, I


Comparing Behaviors

Doing what I do for a living is immensely gratifying. Most patients that struggle with weight & eating behaviors and have a genuine desire to improve them. It’s amazing to watch these people transform as they gain control over this part of their life that has eluded them for so long. It’s not always easy

Eating emotions, Mindset

Naming Food

I listen to podcasts all the time; when I’m driving, mowing the yard and even when I’m alone in the kitchen making dinner. I typically listen to influencers and business leaders – people that are successful in various areas of life in which I want to improve. I figure I can use that listening time

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