

The only thing my 13-year-old son wanted for his birthday last month was a virtual reality headset – something called an Oculus Quest 2.  A few days before his birthday, as I was debating spending a big chunk of money on yet another electronic device, one of my patients started telling me about her new […]


3 Levers

Peter Attia is a very smart, very nerdy physician that is obsessed with finding ways to improve lifespan (how LONG we live) as well as healthspan (how WELL we live).  He hosts a weekly podcast and always has really interesting topics and guests.  He isn’t focused solely on weight loss, as obviously, losing weight isn’t

Nutritional Biochemistry

Is Organic Produce Worth Buying?

There is no way on earth that any one person could know everything there is to know about nutrition.  It’s just not that simple.  And there’s way too much crap out there to sift through.  Even if learning “it all” is hopeless, you can still learn some.  Most of the time some is enough.  If



Unlike my children, a lot of my patients like homework.  When the subject matter is relevant and people are trying desperately to improve something, it doesn’t seem like as much of a chore as doing 20 algebra problems.  This is an exercise I have rolled out with patients lately and it’s proven to be pretty


What can mice tell us about behavior?

The world of academic medicine puts out a lot of really great stuff every year. The problem is that either it’s really difficult to read it (it’s written like the instruction manual for your leaf blower) or it’s so sensationalized that you discount it as media hype and you ignore it. We as a profession

habits, Mindset

What do Rocks Have to do With Health?

I love this analogy.   Stephen Covey was a business author who popularized the ‘big rocks’ approach to productivity. In summary, your total available time for the next week is represented by a jar. You can fill the jar with any combination of big rocks, pebbles and sand.  You have limited space in the jar, so

COVID-19, Education

Causes of Death in 2020

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)  recently published an article tabulating the leading causes of death in the US in 2020. Although there has been plenty of misinformation claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t changed the overall death rate, the number of death certificates filed simply doesn’t lie.  The number of total deaths

Related Health Topics

Get a Colonoscopy – please!

Most of the time I use this platform to talk about metabolic health and weight.  It’s what I live and breathe day in and day out.  However, there is lots more to health than achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.  Although nutrition plays a huge role in our overall health, eating well isn’t a cure-all

Weight Loss Myths

Arguing in Circles

There is so much debate today about the process of weight loss. Some people claim it’s all about calories and others claim it has nothing to do with calories altogether. The fact that not all health professionals have the same opinion means that we don’t have it all figured out yet. It probably doesn’t surprise

Nutritional Biochemistry

Dietary Fats

With all the information out there, I doubt there is anyone that doesn’t know what dietary fats are. Underneath that umbrella, however, there are a few nuances. There are lots of different types of fats and honestly, I struggle to keep them straight. I don’t talk to my patients about polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats –

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