Author name: cyounglove


Perfection is an Obstacle to Progress

I see so many people give up with their weight loss progress because they didn’t hit their “goals.” As much as we talk about this, some people have unrealistic expectations when it comes to their bodies. And human beings in general! If you haven’t taken care of your lawn for the past ten years and […]


Go Chiefs!

We have two days until the Chiefs head back to the Super Bowl. I’m not naïve – I realize that most people aren’t reading about health right now. Most people don’t even want to think about health right now! Hopefully everyone is thinking about the game right now and not simply what they are going

Nutritional Biochemistry


Studies are clear that we need to drink plenty of water to stay healthy. We need to stay adequately hydrated for optimal health and weight. The biochemistry of that process is incredibly boring and after learning it in detail once, I have promptly forgotten it and have no interest in relearning it. But the science

Nutritional Biochemistry, Weight Loss Myths

Apple Cider Vinegar

Patients periodically ask me about apple cider vinegar. I stay away from social media and news, so perhaps the interest waxes and wanes with marketing and propaganda, but regardless, since the topic seems to come in bursts and has reemerged lately, so I thought I would address it. Apple cider vinegar is a type of

Weight Loss Myths

Weight-Loss Dogma

Human beings (myself included) can be very close-minded and dogmatic about some things. This isn’t usually deliberate – we simply hear something several times and absorb it, then file it away as a fact. When we hear something that contradicts it, we dismiss the new information as untrue and move on. The older I get

habits, Mindset

Ulysses Contracts

During active weight loss, patients come into the office for a lot of things:  doctoring, evaluation, support, community – but one of the things they crave most at first is accountability.  Coming into the office to meet with us on a regular basis provides them with accountability.   Some of our patients keep coming month after


Happy New Year!

January 1st.  Thank heavens, right?  The previous year is over. This is the time of year when everyone starts thinking about goal setting – about resolutions.  Before you sit down and make another list of resolutions, think about this: Most of us have had the same goals over and over again – year after year. 

Nutritional Biochemistry

Tea, glorious tea

I began fighting the weight battle once I was old enough to look into a mirror and compare myself to the other kids in elementary school. Thankfully, after many years of beating my head against a wall getting nowhere, I had the idea of diving into the science of the process to see if there

Eating emotions, habits

Reward Eating

Many of my patients struggle with the desire to eat in the evenings – typically a few hours after dinner, usually while watching T.V.  There seem to be two very distinct reasons that people do this. For many people, this is a version of what we call “reward eating.”  In other words, it’s eating because



I ask all of my new patients what their barriers to success are going to be.  Some people are completely surprised by this question – they’ve never really thought about it.  Others have clearly thought a lot about it and can rattle off their obstacles like most of us can recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

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